New Delhi: American technology giant Apple is reportedly planning to open its first flagship India retail store in Mumbai. It is important to note that there has not been any official confirmation about the same from the Cupertino-based tech giant, the flagship store will reportedly open by next month, in April. To recall, earlier this year, it was reported that the company is hiring workers for its retail stores in Mumbai as well as Delhi. Hence, the Apple Delhi store can also be expected to open in the coming months.
According to an Economic Times report, the Mumbai store, with up to 22,000 square feet in Jio World drive mall, will be a “retail landmark, similar to Apple’s outlets in Los Angeles, New York, Beijing, Milan, and Singapore.”
Here are some of the Key details
- Apple’s flagship store is expected to be located in Mumbai’s Reliance Industries’ Jio World Drive mall, covering an are of 22,000 sq ft.
- The Mumbai store will reportedly be a retail landmark on a scale similar retail stores in Los Angeles, New York, Beijing, and Singapore.
- In Delhi is said to be 10,000 to 12,000 sq ft in size, and will be located at Select CityWalk mall.
- The Delhi outlet is expected to launch between April and June.
- In December 2022, Tata Group’s Infiniti Retail announced to become an Apple-authorised reseller in India, setting up over 100 retail stores.
- Apple’s Online Store opened in the country in 2020, and three years later, the company is about to expand its presence with physical retail.
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