New Delhi: In an incident bearing a chilling reminder of the Khanjawala hit-and-drag case, a car on Tuesday rammed into a rickshaw in Delhi’s Lutyens’ zone and dragged the rickshaw-puller for 300 meters. The victim, identified as Manoj, works in housekeeping.
The person behind the wheel of the vehicle, identified as 25-year-old Farman from Murad Nagar in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad , was chased by some commuters before he was nabbed.
The incident took place on Ferozeshah Road. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle, which they claimed was going at high speed and was being driven rashly, rammed the rickshaw from the rear.
Vinod, an eyewitness, told news agency ANI, “I was riding my scooter when a car drove past me at high speed and before I could process what happened, it rammed into a rickshaw.” “The rickshaw-puller flew off his seat and held on to the car, which dragged him along over 300 metres,” he said.
According to the police, the medical examination of the accused driver will be conducted to ascertain if he was under the influence of alcohol.
The rickshaw puller was rushed to a nearby hospital and is currently undergoing treatment.
Taking note of the incident, Delhi police said in a statement, “On Tuesday evening, a car rammed into a rickshaw, dragging the rickshaw-puller over a considerable distance. The accused driver, Farman, was caught by some commuters and handed over to the police. He is a resident of Ghaziabad.
“Earlier, on New Year’s night, 20-year-old Anjali Singh, who was riding a scooter in Outer Delhi’s Kanjhawala, was hit by a vehicle and dragged for several kilometres. She was later found dead on the street, with her clothes tattered and torn.
Five youths, who were allegedly in the car at the time of the incident, were later arrested.
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