Koppal, Karnataka: A 90-year-old woman got the shock of her life when she received an electricity bill of a whopping Rs one lakh for her shanty, which has just two LED bulbs. Girijamma, who lives with her son in the small hut in Bhagyanagar here, usually gets a monthly bill of about Rs 70 or Rs 80 per month.
She was in for a rude shock after getting a bill to the tune of Rs 1,03,315 for the month of May.
The nonagenarian had got the electricity connection under the Bhagya Jyoti scheme, aimed at providing electricity at minimum price to people living below the poverty line in slums.
Soon after the news spread, the electricity department officials rushed to her house and found that there was a glitch in the meter and also the person who had come to collect the meter readings made an error.
Later, the officials asked her not to pay the bill and assured that it would be revised.
(Only the headline has been reworked by India.com staff. Copy comes from a syndicated feed)
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