The locals in Andhra Pradesh’s Anakapalli district got an expected gift on Tuesday when a truck carrying around 200 cartons of beer overturned. Soon after the incident, the locals were seen running to the accident site and grabbing the beer bottles lying on the road.
In a video, posted by the news agency PTI, people can be seen grabbing not one but as many beer bottles as they could and walking away with them.
VIDEO | A vehicle carrying 200 cartons of beer overturned in Andhra Pradesh’s Anakapalli on Tuesday, following which people rushed to grab the beer bottles.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) June 6, 2023
Bengaluru Landlord Invests Rs 8 Lakh In Tenant’s Startup
A tenant in India’s ‘Silicon City’ shared an astonishing story of how his landlord invested $10,000 (roughly Rs 8.2 lakh) in his start-up.
Pawan Gupta, the co-founder, and CEO of Betterhalf, an artificial intelligence-powered marriage app, uploaded a screenshot of his WhatsApp conversation with his landlord on Twitter. Gutpa’s landlord wished him success for his venture. That’s not all, the chat also shows the landlord stating, “I’m investing in you, honestly. All the best and hope you reach the greatest of heights.” He sends another message to inform Pawan Gupta that he has made an investment of $10,000.
Pawan Gupta penned a note that read, “In a tough business landscape, I found an unexpected investor in my landlord. He recently invested $10K in my startup @betterhalfai. Truly amazed by the entrepreneurial spirit everyone in Bangalore shows. Silicon Valley of India for a reason. #peakbengalurumoment.”
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