New Delhi: Ashna Biju, a final-year medical student at Cambridge University’s Caius College, is pushing society’s taboos and smashing preconceptions. The Kerala native with a hearing impediment has opted to pursue a career in medicine to demonstrate that, contrary to popular belief, people with impairments can flourish in the medical field.
Her Background In Kerala
She grew up in the UK and considers herself British. She also shares that when she visits her relatives in Kerala, she is not considered authentically Indian since she conducts herself differently or doesn’t pronounce my mother tongue properly’, as per the University of Cambridge report.
Apart from this, she describes herself as “passionate” about understanding how ethnic, cultural, and gender differences manifest in everyday life, particularly in health care.
Her Work For Menstrual Health
Biju has always been interested in menstrual health because she thinks it affects half of the world’s population but is still stigmatised. She thinks that it is not fair that in certain countries, girls are not allowed to attend school because they are on their period or are not allowed to discuss their menstruation because a senior male authority has advised them not to, the report said.
What She Thinks About Sanatory Condition In India
Biju thinks that there is no organised system for the disposal of sanitary waste in India; people simply do what they can. As per her, Pads can be flushed, burned in backyards, or dumped into wells or fields. This has ramifications for human health and the environment.
Because disposable pads are highly absorbent, they might clog sewage systems. This can result in waste backflow and the spread of illness. People who do not have access to protective clothing are frequently used to clear water systems, placing them at risk of coming into contact with poisons or infected blood.
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