Viral Video From Uttar Pradesh: A government school headmaster in Uttar Pradesh was suspended for allegedly performing obscene acts in a drunken state before students, said an official on Wednesday. The accused, Durga Prasad Jaiswal, was seen in a purported video, sleeping naked in front of students in school, while he was inebriated. The kids’ parents alleged that Jaiswal often took his clothes off in class.
The incident is reported from Bahraich district where Durga Prasad Jaiswal, the headmaster of a government primary school in the Visheshwarganj area was suspended for allegedly indulging in obscene acts in front of students in a drunken state, an official said on Wednesday.
Durga Prasad Jaiswal who was posted at Shivpur Bairagi Primary School in Visheshwarganj was seen sleeping naked in the school in an inebriated condition causing a lot of embarrassment to the students. The officials said the veracity of the video which went viral is yet to be ascertained.
Agitated parents and villagers claimed that Jaiswal has often indulged in obscene acts in front of the students. They said the headmaster takes off his clothes in class and rests.
Embarrassed by these antics, the girl students have stopped going to school, they said. Acting on the complaint, the Basic Shiksha Adhikari (BSA) ordered an inquiry by the block education officer after which Jaiswal was suspended.
“We got a complaint against Durga Prasad Jaiswal, primary school teacher and headmaster in Shivpur Bairagi Basik School of Visheshwarganj block, that he comes to school in an inebriated state. A video of the same also surfaced recently. However, the video is yet to be verified. He was suspended on July 24 on the basis of a preliminary inquiry conducted by the block education officer,” BSA Avyakt Ram Tiwari said.
“A departmental inquiry is being conducted. If necessary, an FIR will also be lodged against the headmaster,” the BSA said.
(With PTI inputs)
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