Chennai: In a horrendous incident, a nine-year-old schoolgirl was brutally mauled by a cow on her way home from school in Chennai. According to the reports, the incident took place on Ilango Street in the MMDA colony area. The alarming sequence of events was caught on camera. The incident occurred when the girl, who has been identified as Ayesha, was returning home from school with her mother and younger brother.
Ayesha and her family were walking behind two cows when one of them turned aggressive. It was her brother’s sudden noise that apparently agitated the cow. The cow swiftly turned back and struck Ayesha, lifting her and hurling her onto the road.
Cows attack harmless little girl in MMDA, #Chennai. @chennaicorp Cows roaming on the streets are a big menace and a threat to motorists and walkers. Please take action against the cow owner! #Cow #CowAttack@CMOTamilnadu @UpdatesChennai
— Ajay AJ (@AjayTweets07) August 10, 2023
The locals rushed to the scene, managing to drive the cow away after several attempts. Ayesha was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she received prompt medical attention. Her condition was later reported to be stable, alleviating concerns about her well-being.
According to the reports, the Cows have been impounded by the Chennai corporation officials and are planning to strengthen measures to prevent such incidents, including levying fines on owners of carelessly wandering cattle.
An FIR has been registered against the owner of the attacking cows.
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