Faridabad: Half a month after the Nuh violence that rocked the state of Haryana, an alleged key conspirator and a Bajrang Dal member, Bittu Bajrangi was nabbed by cops in Faridabad after a hot chase on Tuesday. As per the reports, Bittu Bajrangi is accused of posting multiple provocative posts on social media before the ‘Brij Mandal Yatra’ kickstarted. Bittu Bajrangi was present at the Bajrang Dal rally when the violence broke out. He allegedly snatched weapons from the cops during the clash for which he has been arrested on Tuesday.
CCTV footage from the area showed plainclothes policemen, armed with sticks and guns, catching him. At least 15-20 cops chased the cow vigilante who was clad in his lungi as the locals looked on. The cops then caught Bittu after a brief chase which took place in the lanes of Faridabad on Tuesday afternoon.
VIDEO | Bittu Bajrangi, a Bajrang Dal member, has been arrested in connection with violence in Haryana’s Nuh.
(Source: Third Party) pic.twitter.com/SC04SydgiY
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) August 15, 2023
Bittu Bajrangi has been accused of rioting, violence, threatening, obstructing government work, stopping a government officer from duty and causing harm with a deadly weapon. “Bittu Bajrangi has been arrested by Nuh Police after questioning. A case was registered against Bittu Bajrangi and 15-20 others in Thana Sadar Nuh under the Illegal Arms Act. Bittu Bajrangi and 15-20 other people raised slogans in front of a female police officer in Nuh with weapons like swords,” a spokesperson of Faridabad Police said.
The FIR against Bajrangi and the others has been registered under Indian Penal Code sections 148 (riots), 149 (unlawful assembly), 332 (causing hurt), 353, 186 (obstructing a public servant from discharging duty), 395, 397 (armed robbery), and 506 (criminal intimidation) and provisions of the Arms Act, police said.
The officials said efforts are underway to arrest the others and social media is being monitored as well. Strict action will be taken against those who make provocative speeches or spread misleading news, they added.
A senior police officer said Bajrangi and his associates wielded illegal weapons during the VHP procession that came under attack in Muslim-majority Nuh on July 31. During the violence that ensued, Bajrangi and his associates were brandishing their weapons in the air. ASP Kundu confiscated the weapons but they snatched them from a police vehicle, the official said, alleging that they also threatened the police.
Earlier, Bajrangi was accused of posting inflammatory remarks on social media. Six people, including two home guards and a cleric, had died in the recent clashes that erupted in Nuh over an attempt to stop a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession and spread to Gurugram.
Moreover, the matter still remains sensitive as recently many ‘Hindu outfits’ organized a ‘Mahapanchayat’ in Haryana’s Palwal and demanded relaxation in arms rules for Hindus. In the ‘Mahapanchayat’ it was also announced that the ‘Brij Mandal Yatra’ will resume from 28 August from Nuh district.
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