New Delhi: A video is going viral on social media platforms showing Bihar Minister and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tej Pratap Yadav abusing and pushing a party worker. According to reports, the video was shot on August 22 during Tej Pratap’s visit to Gopalganj with his father Lalu Prasad and mother Rabri Devi.
As per local media reports, the Tej Pratap and his parents had gone to the Seral Kala village in Gopalganj district to visit Lalu’s in-laws and were greeted by a large number of people upon their arrival who raised slogans in favor of the Lalu Yadav and his family.
While Lalu and Rabri entered the the house, Tej Pratap lost his over some yet unknown incident and grabbed a man, identified as Sumant Yadav, by the throat and pushed him away. The Bihar Minister For Environment, Forest and Climate Change can also be heard verbally abusing the man in the video.
Watch the video here:
Gandhiwadi Tejpratap Yadav 🫡
— Diksha Verma (@dikshaaverma) August 24, 2023
As per reports, Sumant Yadav is reportedly an RJD worker and had arrived there to welcome the party supremo and his family.
Tej Pratap’s confrontation with Sumant Yadav was apparently captured on camera by someone in the crown and the video has gone viral on social media platforms. However, the cause behind the minister’s outburst is not yet known.
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