New Delhi: After the opening ceremony of the Asian Games team India will kickstart its campaigns in sports like Boxing, Chess, Hockey, Esports, Shooting, Tennis etc on day six of the Asian Games at Hangzhou on Sunday. There will be a women’s cricket match tomorrow where India will face Bangladesh to confirm their berth in finals and the clash will start at 6.30 AM IST. The day will end with boxing where Nikhat Zareen, Sanjeet and Preeti will be seen in action and India men’s Hockey team will also be in action as they face Uzbekistan.
Below are the full Indian matches scheduled on the day sixth.
India vs Bangladesh/ Women’s Semi-final: 6:30 AM onwards
Rowing (Finals):
Lightweight Doubles Scull/ Men: 6:30 AM onwards
Doubles Sculls/ Men: 6:30 AM onwards
Four/ Women: 6:30 AM onwards
Eight/ Men: 6:30 AM onwards
Anjul Namdeo/ Men: 6:30 AM onwards
Sri Hari Nataraj, Tanish Geroge Mathew, Shailaja Anand Anil Kumar, Utkarsh Patil/ Men $ Women’s Heat: 7:30 AM onwards
4x100M Relay/ Women: 7:30 AM onwards
Table Tennis
Team Event/ India vs. Thailand/ Women: 7:30 AM onwards
Men/India vs. Uzbekistan: 8:45 AM onwards
Women Team & Individual/ 10 M Air Rifle/ Ramita, Mehuli Ghosh, Ashi Chouksey: 9:15 AM onwards
Women/ India vs. Thailand: 1:30 PM onwards
Men/ India vs. Myanmar: 5:00 PM onwards
Women 7s/ India vs. Japan: 3:35 PM onwards
Women/ Nikhat Zareen: 4.30 PM onwards
Men/ Sanjeet: 7:45 PM onwards
Women/ Preeti: 11:45 PM onwards
All the matches will be live-streamed on the SonyLiv app and it will be telecasted on the Sony Sports network.
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