New Delhi: In a disturbing incident fueled by revenge, a woman in Jharkhand’s Hazaribagh district allegedly killed her five-year-old step-grandson by throwing the child into a well, resulting in his death. According to the police, the woman committed this heinous act to avenge humiliation by the victim’s parents.
A senior official said the 55-year-old accused woman, a resident of Ulang village under Katkamasandi police station limits, has been arrested and sent to jail on Friday.
Giving details, the official said the the minor victim, identified as Faizal Ansari Roz, along with a relative of similar age, used to walk home together after attending classes at a local Anganwadi centre. However, on the fateful day of Thursday, Faizal’s friend arrived home alone prompting the family to launch for him.
“His family members and villagers started searching for Faizal and found his slippers near a well”, Officer-in-Charge of Katkamasandi police station, Prakash Mishra told news agency PTI.
He said the body of the boy was recovered from the well on Thursday evening and it was found that the accused tied two bricks to the victim’s neck to ensure that he drowns.
During the investigation, the police suspected the involvement of a family member.
The deceased boy’s father also found the behaviour of his stepmother Sarbari Khatun suspicious and included her name in his complaint with the police.
Khatun broke down during intense interrogation in the police station and confessed that she had murdered the boy, Mishra said.
The woman claimed that she committed the crime as she had been subjected to frequent humiliation by the victim’s parents and she wanted to teach them a lesson.
(With PTI inputs)
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