Shah Rukh Khan Greets Fans From Mannat Balcony: Shah Rukh Khan his basking high on the success of his action-thriller Jawan. The actor has once again created history at the box office with his vigilante actioner. The Atlee directorial has been hailed for its high-octane action, grand VFX, peppy music and social message. Shah Rukh’s charisma has once again resonated with movie buffs as they have praised him in his dual roles in the movie. He has delivered the second biggest hit of 2023 after Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan. Both Jawan and Pathaan are the biggest commercial successes in SRK’s movie career. Shah Rukh recently greeted his fans from his Mannat as he came out of his balcony on Sunday, September 17, 2023.
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A massive crowd had gathered outside his home in Bandra. SRK was seen donning a blue shirt along with black pants and sunglasses. He made his iconic signature pose as he split his arms showcasing his love for his die-hard fans. The people standing below his house cheered for him. The Jwan actor smiled amid whistles and crazy fanfare. After the success of Jawan, Atlee in an interaction with Pinkvilla said, “Jawan is only made for Shah Rukh Khan. I didn’t have a second thought that who is going to do it.” He further added, “But from day 1, the script, the scenes, what I do, how it went; the only person I interacted with was Vijay sir. He is like a brother to me. And we are very serious about what we do in life. So he used to share about his films. I shared what I was doing and all. So he was very advisory and always a backbone to me. We shared a lot of stuff on Jawan, what is happening on Jawan; But it is purely made for Shah Rukh.”
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