New Delhi: In a tragic incident, a young man in Andhra Pradesh died after he suffered a heart attack while dancing at a Ganesh Mandapam in Dharmavaram town of the state’s Sri Sathya Sai district. A video of the incident, which has gone viral on social media platforms, showed the the deceased, identified as 26-year-old Prasad, dancing along with another youth when he suddenly collapsed and fell down.
According to reports, Prasad was dancing at a Ganesh Pandal organized to celebrate Ganeshotsav in Dharmavaram town when he suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack and died. In the video, Prasad, along with another young man can be seen merrily dancing away during the celebrations when one of the suddenly collapses and falls down.
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Reports said the incident took place at the Vinayaka Mandapam (Pandal) in Maruti Nagar area of Dharmavaram town on night of September 20 (Wednesday). Prasad was rushed to a local hospital for treatment where doctors declared him brought dead, officials said, adding that the cause of death has been ascertained as cardiac arrest (heart attack).
2 drown during Ganesh idol immersion in Maharashtra
In a related incident, two persons drowned and two were reported missing in separate incidents during immersion of Ganesh idols in Palghar district in Maharashtra, police and civic officials said on Thursday.
According to the police, Jagat Narayan Mourya (38) and Suraj Prajapati (25) drowned during idol immersion in a lake at Konsai village in Wada taluka on Wednesday night.
Firemen and divers recovered their bodies on Thursday morning, said an official from the police control room.
At Gorhe village in the taluka, one Prakash Thackeray (35) went missing during immersion of Ganpati idols in a lake on Wednesday and a search is underway to trace him, the police said.
In Virar, one Sanjay Patil (40) is missing after entering Tansa river for idol immersion and a search is underway, the official said.
No such incident took place in Thane district, regional disaster management cell official Sudham Pardeshi said.
(With PTI inputs)
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