Turtle And Python Rescued: Wildlife SOS successfully rescued an Indian softshell turtle near Subroto Park, New Delhi. The rescue mission was initiated after a concerned citizen spotted the turtle and reached out to Wildlife SOS for assistance. An Indian softshell turtle, weighing approximately 1 kilogram, was discovered stranded on a roadside near Subroto Park, New Delhi. Concerned for its safety, the rescue caller immediately alerted Wildlife SOS on its 24×7 emergency rescue helpline. Responding swiftly to the call, Wildlife SOS dispatched a two-member Rapid Response Unit to the scene to provide immediate aid to the reptile.
Upon arrival, the skilled veterinary team of the NGO conducted a comprehensive on-site medical examination, ensuring the turtle’s well-being. The reptile is currently under medical observation and will be released back into its natural habitat once deemed fit.
Nilotpal Sarkar, rescue caller, said, “I have a deep interest in wildlife which made me identify the turtle in distress. I am deeply thankful to Wildlife SOS for such a swift response in rescuing the turtle.”
Kartick Satyanarayan, Co-founder and CEO, Wildlife SOS said, “Softshell turtles are poached extensively for their body parts and their meat is considered a delicacy in some parts of south-east Asia. With mounting anthropogenic pressures, the reptile is classified as ‘Critically Endangered’ by the IUCN.”
In a separate incident, Wildlife SOS rescued a 6-foot-long Indian rock python from the Mandi Village area of New Delhi. An on-site assessment revealed no injuries to the snake which was subsequently released in the wild.
Wasim Akram, Deputy Director of Special Projects, Wildlife SOS, said, “With the Indian rock python classified as ‘near-threatened’ by the IUCN, the rescue missions of both the reptiles were critical in nature. We thank the rescue callers who have shown compassion towards these animals, without which the successful rescue couldn’t have been possible.”
Wildlife SOS 24×7 emergency rescue helpline: +91 9871963535
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