Uttar Pradesh Viral News: In a macabre scenario right out of a horror movie, two sisters were found living with their mother’s corpse for nearly a year in Lanka area of Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi district. An official said the neighbours got suspicious and informed the police after the two women had not come out of their house for over a week.
A senior official said the woman had died in December last year but instead of performing her last rites, the daughters of the deceased kept her cadaver locked inside a room at their house in Mandarwa locality of Lanka.
“52-year-old Usha Tripathi 52, resident of Madarwa, Samenghat, died last year after a prolonged illness,” said Lanka Station House Officer (SHO) Shivakant Mishra, adding the deceased woman’s husband had left home two years ago and did not come home even after his wife’s death.
Usha’s two daughter Pallavi Tripathi (27) and Vaishvik Tripathi (18) — did not cremate the body after their mother’s death and kept it locked in the room, he said.
Both of them had not been leaving the house for the last one week and its door remained closed, raising suspicion among the neighbours who knocked the door but when it did not open, they informed the police, the officer said.
After getting information about the incident, a police team was deployed to the spot and launched a probe.
The cops knocked on the door, however, when no one answered and it was discovered that the door was latched from the inside, the officers broke it down and entered the premises. Upon entering the room, the police team was shocked to discover the decomposed corpse of the deceased woman lying on the floor while her daughters were also found sitting beside their mother’s cadaver in the same room, the police.
Official said the police have taken both the daughters into custody and the incident is being investigated.
(With PTI inputs)
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