Mumbai Crime: In an appalling incident reported from Mumbai, an unidentified couple has been booked for allegedly burying the body of a 20-day-old girl secretly in Charkop in the north Mumbai suburb of Kandivali, a police official said on Thursday.
The official privy to the case said that the ghastly incident took place along the Link Road near a metro rail station on Tuesday.
“A 34-year-old man spotted the couple go into a nursery in a suspicious manner. He informed the owner of the nursery and later the police was alerted. The body was exhumed in the presence of police and judicial officials,” he said adding that the unidentified couple has been booked under section 318 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for secretly burying or otherwise disposing of the dead body of a child with the intention of concealing the birth.
Efforts are on to track the couple, the official said.
(With PTI inputs)
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