Mumbai: Hollywood actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been grabbing headlines since she visited India with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Maltie Marie. Now according to multiple media reports director and producer Sanjay Leela Bhansali is planning to collaborate with the Baywatch actress, post-meeting the diva, the Heeramandi director is eyeing to rope in Priyanka Chopra Jonas in one of his projects. Read on.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas To Collaborate with Sanjay Leela Bhansali
Will Priyanka Chopra Make a Comeback In Indian Cinema?
A news report published by The Hindustan Times confirmed that Priyanka’s visit to India is purely based on work. The report revealed, “For Priyanka, the trip to India is purely for work. Along with attending the event in Mumbai, she has several things lined up for. She has back to back meetings in different capacities (sic).” The information further revealed, “She (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) also has a production house, and she has decided to put some focus on the same. She is meeting people to finalise three or four of the next projects under her banner (sic)”.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas To Collaborate In Hindi Project?
The Hollywood diva is eyeing to collaborate on a Hindi project soon. However, it is understood that Priyanka didn’t make any official announcements. The news agency, revealed, “She knows there is a lot of curiosity around her next Hindi project and wants to finalise a project soon. She is going through several scripts, and meeting several makers to decide on the same. In fact, she is also meeting Sanjay Leela Bhansali for an action project, set in a different period. She has liked the project, and is meeting Bhansali now to decide on the timeline, schedule and costumes (sic)”.
Priyanka Chopra Visits Ayodhya Ram Mandir
On March 20, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas along with their daughter Maltie Marie visited Ayodhya to seek blessings from Ram Lalla. Another video showed Priyanka and her family making their way to the Ayodhya airport. Priyanka took to Instagram where she shared pics from Ayodhya. The diva draped a yellow saree while Nick wore a white printed kurta, and their daughter Malti wore a peach coloured outfit.
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra Jonas’s Instagram Post:
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