Mumbai: Since the Election Commission announced the dates for the Lok Sabha elections, every political party has intensified its campaign, with top leaders conducting more and more public rallies and meetings with people. Amid all the campaigns, a bizarre poll promise has come to light from Maharashtra, where an Independent candidate from Chimur village, Vanita Raut, has promised to provide subsidized whiskey and beer to residents if she is elected to power in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Raut stated that, not only she open bars in every village but will also provide free imported whiskey to the poor. she said she will provide these ‘facilities’ from the MP fund if she is elected from the constituency.
“Jahan gaanv, waha beer baar. Yahi mere mudde hain (Where there is a village, there is a beer bar. These are my poll issues),” India Today quoted Vanita Raut as saying.
Not only that she have also promised to provide imported liquor through a rationing system. Stating that the drinker as well as the vendor would need to have a licence.
justifying her bizarre poll promise Vanita said, “Extremely poor people toil hard and only find solace in drinking liquor. But they cannot afford quality whiskey or beer. They get to drink only country liquor and there is no limit to the quantity they consume, so they pass out. Hence, I want them to experience imported liquor and enjoy it. I want them to enjoy and enjoy only”.
On being asked that families getting ruined due to excess drinking, Raut stated, this is exactly the reason why she wants people to get a license to buy liquor. She added that people should get license of drinking alcohol only after adulthood.
Vanita Raut isn’t a stranger to the election circuit, having put her hat in the ring before in both the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in Nagpur and the Maharashtra Assembly elections in Chimur. On both occasions, she made identical commitments to her voters which resulted in her security deposit being confiscated by electoral authorities. In a surprising turn, she has decided to remain consistent with the same strategy in the ongoing elections.
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