Rajgarh: The Lok Sabha Seat of Rajgarh is abuzz with the hustle of the coming elections scheduled for May 7th. Two big shots from Congress and BJP are about to go head-to-head, sparking anticipation of a nail-bting contest. One’s a veteran Congress leader, Digvijaya Singh and the other is an OBC contender bearing the BJP flag, Rodmal Nagar, the current MP. The political contest in the Lok Sabha seat of Rajgarh is brewing and is only going to get intense. Now, it’s up to the voters to choose between these charismatic figures from the two primary political factions.
In the political heart of Madhya Pradesh, the Rajgarh Lok Sabha seat has strong base for RSS, but despite this fact, the contest is going to be nail-biting. Looking at the candidates, Congressman Digvijaya Singh,who comes from the Raghogarh royal lineage, doesn’t appear to be a sturdy contender for Congress against Rodmal Nagar. In the 2019 elections, Nagar bagged a whopping 65.37% of votes, leaving behind Mona Sustani from Congress with a mere 31.57%.
Digvijaya Singh: Educational Qualifications
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) From Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, Indore University, 1968.
Digvijaya Singh’s Net Worth
Assets: | Rs 40,23,42,847 ~40 Crore+ |
Liabilities: | Rs 2,32,46,314 ~2 Crore+ |
Rodmal Nagar: Educational Qualifications
Rodmal Nagar graduated from Vikram University in 1983–1984, as per Neta.com.
Rodmal Nagar’s Net Worth
Assets:Rs 4,01,98,295 ~4 Crore+
Liabilities:Rs 39,21,362 ~39 Lacs+
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