New Delhi: Microsoft on Monday announced several new features for its Outlook app on Android and iOS. The new features along with the latest app updates aim to enhance the functionality and user experience. The tech giant has improved the compose and calendar functionalities on iOS while the Android app received enhancement to search, events and calendar. Additionally, the Outlook app received bug fixes on both platforms.
Microsoft Outlook: Android App New Features
Microsoft Outlook has rolled out many new features for both Android and iOS. Focusing on the Android app, Outlook received improvements to events, search, calendar and box. Microsoft has provided its users the facility to search past events for up to one year. Previously, users could only search for up to six months.
Teams tab has also been added to facilitate the Teams chat messages. Users can access this feature to search messages and can access them on the Teams up simply by selecting them. A user who does not have the app will be redirected to Google Play Store in order to install the app.
Microsoft has also updated the compose feature allowing users to resend messages from the sent folder. Along with the updates, the bug that prevented the users from single sign-on flow from succeeding for Microsoft 365 accounts has been fixed.
Microsoft Outlook: iOS App New Features
Microsoft Outlook now has a Report Messages option to the swipe action list, allowing users to immediately take action against inappropriate messages. Users can also add a local account within Office 365 ABox which allows users to have secure file storage and sharing facility from the Outlook app itself.
Microsoft has enhanced the compose feature for the iOS as well. The feature has the same updated functionality as the Android one. Additionally, users can access Teams meeting chat from the calendar’s event details.
Telegram Gets Microsoft Telegram
Apart from the Outlook app, Microsoft has also integrated its AI chatbot Copilot with Telegram. Copilot will enable Telegram users to ask questions from the chatbot within the app. However, Microsoft has put a limit of 30 turns per day.
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