Prabhas and Deepika Padukone starrer ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ continues to stay strong at the box office even on day 14. The movie earned a total of Rs 7.5 crore across all five languages as per the details by the industry tracking website, Sacnilk. With this, the total domestic box office collection stands at Rs 536.75 crore. Helmed by Nag Ashwin, the movie has raked in money over the last two weeks and is still managing to impress the audience on the big screens.
Kalki 2898 AD Day Wise Collection
The movie witnessed a massive start and shattered Prabhas’ previous film ‘Salaar’s’ record by minting Rs 95.3 crore. On day 2, which was also the first Friday, the movie earned Rs 59.3 crore. Over the weekend—Saturday and Sunday—the movie earned Rs 66.2 crore and Rs 88.2 crore respectively. However, on day 5, which was also the first Monday, the movie minted Rs 34.15 crore.
Here is a look at the rest of the box office collection:
Day 6: Rs 27.5 crore
Day 7: Rs 22.25 crore
Day 8: Rs 22.4 crore
Week 1 Collection: Rs 414 crore
Day 9: Rs 16.7 crore
Day 10: Rs 34.45 crore
Day 11: Rs 41.3 crore
Day 12: Rs 10.4 crore
Day 13: Rs 9 crore
Day 14: Rs 7.5 crore
Kalki 2898 AD Total Collection: Rs 536.75 crore
About Kalki 2898 AD
In the dystopian city of Kashi, the plot of “Kalki 2898 AD” follows Bhairava (Prabhas), a bounty hunter determined to move to the Complex, ruled by the Supreme Yaskin (Kamal Haasan). Among those he encounters is Ashwattama (Amitabh Bachchan), who is on a mission to find SUM 80 (Deepika Padukone) and her unborn child. Bhairava must confront Ashwattama and other forces as he embarks on his quest to capture SUM 80. The movie was released on June 27, 2024.’s review of the Prabhas and Deepika Padukone starrer sci-fi film reads: “Kalki 2898 AD combines action, visual spectacle, and a fusion of mythology with technology and science, making it a film worth watching. The post-credit scenes add an extra layer of intrigue. Despite a sluggish first half, the film redeems itself with a powerful second half and strong performances from its lead actors. Amitabh Bachchan’s role is particularly noteworthy, adding depth and gravitas to the film. Also, if you’re familiar with the Mahabharata, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ will be more relatable and enjoyable.”
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