New Delhi: Storyteller Mahamandaleshwar Indradev Maharaj from Vrindavan has created a stir by making lewd comments about Mother Sita’s appearance. Mahamandaleshwar Indradev Maharaj, a resident of Sri Radha Kishori Dham located on Parikrama Marg in Vrindavan, made a highly controversial statement about the actors playing the roles of Mother Sita and Lord Rama in Ramlila. This has deeply offended the feelings and religious sentiments of many.
Mahamandaleshwar Indradev said during his story that the characters playing Lord Rama and Mother Sita in Ramlila smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Indradev did not stop here, he further said, “we all have seen, go take off their blouses and see, this is not Sita, this is Kumbhakarna.”
His lewd comments about the highly revered deities created a huge ruckus following which Mahamandaleshwar Indradev apologized.
There has been an uproar after the video clip of Indradev’s story went viral on social media. People are demanding an FIR against Indradev. In his defence, Indradev Maharaj apologized for his statement and said that he was telling people from Vyas Peeth what he had seen in his childhood and he did not intend to insult the sacred divinities or hurt anyone’s sentiments.
However, people of several religious organizations are not satisfied with the apology of Indradev Maharaj and they have demanded an FIR against Mahamandaleshwar.
Pandit Sanjay Haryana, former state vice-president of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, has demanded action from the Senior Superintendent of Police by registering an FIR against Indradev.
Along with Haryana, other organizations said that Maharaj had earlier also insulted religion by carving Satiya and religious symbols on his feet and now he has made very indecent comments towards the representation of Mother Sita and Lord Ram. This is unforgivable and action should be taken against him.
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