Sawan Somwar, also known as Shravan Somwar, is a significant event in the Hindu calendar, celebrated with great fervour and devotion by devotees across India. This auspicious occasion falls on the Somwar (Monday) during the Sawan (Shravan) month of the Hindu lunar calendar. This is year the sawan is set to begin from July 22 and end on August 19.
History and Significance
The origins of Sawan Somwar can be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures and mythological narratives. According to Hindu belief, Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities of the Hindu pantheon, is particularly venerated on Mondays during the Sawan month. This period is considered highly auspicious and favourable for seeking Lord Shiva’s blessings and fulfilling one’s desires.
The month of Sawan (Shravan) is regarded as the holiest month in the Hindu calendar. It is associated with the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and their marriage is celebrated during this time. Sawan Somwar, therefore, holds immense significance as it combines the reverence for Lord Shiva and the sacred Sawan month.
Traditions and Celebrations
Sawan Somwar is marked by various religious rituals, fasts, and celebrations across India. Devotees often observe a strict fast on this day, abstaining from certain foods and engaging in spiritual practices to seek Lord Shiva’s grace.
One of the most common traditions associated with Sawan Somwar is the offering of Abhishek, a ritual where devotees pour water, milk, or other sacred offerings over the Shiva Lingam, the iconic representation of Lord Shiva. This act is believed to purify the mind and soul and bring blessings and prosperity.
Many Hindu temples, particularly those dedicated to Lord Shiva, witness a surge of devotees on Sawan Somwars. Devotees often visit these temples, offering prayers, circumambulating the Shiva Lingam, and participating in aartis (sacred rituals) led by the temple priests.
In some regions, the celebration of Sawan Somwar is accompanied by traditional fairs, known as ‘Sawan Melas.’ These fairs showcase various cultural performances, folk dances, and the sale of traditional handicrafts and delicacies, adding to the festive atmosphere.
The significance of Sawan Somwar extends beyond religious observances. It is also believed to be an auspicious time for undertaking important life events, such as weddings, starting new ventures, or purchasing valuable assets. Hindus often seek the blessings of Lord Shiva during this period to ensure success and prosperity in their endeavors.
Sawan Somwar is a deeply revered and celebrated event in the Hindu calendar, reflecting the profound respect and devotion that Hindus have for Lord Shiva. Through the observance of various rituals, fasts, and traditions, devotees seek the blessings of the divine to attain spiritual enlightenment, peace, and prosperity in their lives. The rich cultural tapestry and the sense of community that surrounds Sawan Somwar make it a truly remarkable and meaningful celebration for Hindus across the Indian subcontinent.
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