Chandigarh: The Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday released the third list of candidates for the 90-member Haryana Assembly elections on October 5. In its third list of candidates, the Aam Aadmi Party has chosen to field Bheem Singh Rathi from Radaur, Amar Singh from Nilokheri, Amit Kumar from Israna, Rajesh Saroha from Rai, Manjeet Farmana from Kharkhauda, Pravin Guskhani from Garhi Sampla-Kiloi, Naresh Bagri from Kalanaur, Mahendar Dahiya from Jhajjar, Suneel Rao from Ateli, Satish Yadav from Rewari, and Col Rajendra Rawat from Hathin.
In its second list, the Aam Aadmi Party nominated Ritu Bamaniya for Sadhaura, Krishan Bajaj for Thanesar, Hawa Singh for Indri, Mukhtiyar Singh Bazigar for Ratia, and Bhupendra Beniwal for Adampur.
Chhatar Pal Singh from Barwala, Jawahar Lal from Bawal, Pravesh Mehta from Faridabad, and Abash Chandela from Tigaon have also been nominated. The second list was announced after BJP leaders from the state, Sunil Rao and Satish Yadav, joined the AAP in the presence of AAP Haryana unit chief Sushil Gupta and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh.
Sharing a post on X(Previously Twitter), Kejriwal led party wrote,”Announcement The Party hereby announces the third list of candidates for the state elections for Haryana Assembly. Congratulations to all.”
The Party hereby announces the third list of candidates for the state elections for Haryana Assembly.
Congratulations to all
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) September 10, 2024
In the first list of candidates released on Monday, the party announced its nominees for several key constituencies in the state, including Bhiwani, Rohtak, Bahadurgarh, and Ballabhgarh. The AAP has fielded Gurpal Singh from Naraingarh, Anurag Dhandha from Kalayat, Narender Sharma from Pundri, Jaipal Sharma from Gharaunda, Amandeep Jundla from Assandh, Bittu Pahalwan from Samalkha, Pawan Fauji from Uchana Kalan, Kuldeep Gadrana from Dabwali, and Happy Raina from Rania seat.
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