IAS love story: Srushti Deshmukh, also known as Srushti Jayant Deshmukh before her wedding, has recently changed her last name to Gowda. This particular name change comes after Srushti tied knot with another 2019 batch IAS officer, Nagarjuna Gowda. Both of them cracked the UPSC Civil services exam in 2018. The Internet often buzzes about Srushti Deshmukh’s academic achievements, and her marksheet is widely shared across digital platforms. Her popularity on Instagram is also worth mentioning, with a fan base of 2.4 million followers. Here’s all you need to know about the love story of IAS Srushti Deshmukh and IAS Nagarjuna B Gowda.
Love story of Srushti Deshmukh and Dr. Nagarjuna B Gowda
Srushti Deshmukh, an esteemed IAS officer, cracked the UPSC Civil Services Examination in 2018, in her very first attempt. Astonishingly, she secured the impressive all India Rank of five, also bagging the title of the top female candidate of her batch. Her story is not short of pure inspiration either. While many could find it difficult to juggle, Srushti mastered her way through her engineering degree and UPSC preparations simultaneously. As another beautiful highlight on her life’s canvas, she is happily married to her fellow IAS officer Dr. Nagarjuna B Gowda.
The love story of Srushti Deshmukh and Dr. Nagarjuna B Gowda started from IAS training centre which is known as Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA). After getting engaged on 2 August 2021, both of them got married on 24 April 2022. Their wedding photos went viral on social media.
Talking about the academic achievements, both have used their vast knowledge and experiences to write numerous books, making generous contributions to the literary world.
Who is IAS Nagarjuna B Gowda?
Srushti Deshmukh, a proud resident of Bhopal, and her spouse, Nagarjuna B Gowda, originally from Karnataka, are a testament to the popular saying ‘love knows no boundaries.’ Upon completion of their demanding IAS training, Srushti found her posting in her home state of Madhya Pradesh, whereas Nagarjuna was stationed in Karnataka. As fate would have it, Nagarjuna B was reassigned to Madhya Pradesh and this resulted in another cornerstone in their journey.
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