Bollywood’s charming and bubbly actress faced significant struggles at the start of her career. Despite being the daughter of a star father, his fame did not open doors for her. After her debut film flopped, finding work in the industry became a huge challenge. The actress we are talking about is none other than the daughter of Bollywood’s legendary actor, Shakti Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor. Even a star like Madhuri Dixit faced a flop debut. Similarly, Shraddha Kapoor’s debut film didn’t make much of an impact either. However, in 2013, after taking on a pivotal role, she firmly established her presence in the industry.
Shraddha Kapoor’s Journey In Film Industry
Today, Shraddha Kapoor is one of the top actresses in Bollywood, but few know that her career began with a disastrous debut. Despite her initial setbacks, Shraddha has become a household name, winning millions of hearts worldwide with her radiant smile. Her father, the notorious villain of Bollywood, Shakti Kapoor, is still remembered for his menacing roles on screen.
Shakti Kapoor’s Struggles and Support for Shraddha
Though Shakti Kapoor is famous for spreading fear with his villainous roles, he was unable to offer much support to his daughter when she began her journey in the film industry. Shraddha herself revealed this in an interview with GQ India.
She shared how, after her debut film failed, no one was willing to offer her work. Shakti Kapoor’s advice to her was, “I built my career on my own, and you’ll have to do the same. Face your own battles.”
Shraddha further revealed that her father told her not to rely on him, and she would have to experience rejection and failure personally. “Before Aashiqui 2, no one even wanted to sign me for their films,” she admitted. According to Financial Express, Shraddha Kapoor has a net worth of Rs 123 crore.
The Turning Point in Shraddha’s Career
Despite her early setbacks, Shraddha Kapoor’s career truly took off in 2013. That year, she starred opposite Aditya Roy Kapur in the blockbuster Aashiqui 2, which became a massive hit and changed her fate overnight. This film marked the turning point in her career, and since then, she has starred in several successful projects, including Stree 2 in 2024.
Shraddha’s journey from failure to success is a testament to her perseverance and dedication to her craft. From struggling with her early flops to becoming one of Bollywood’s most celebrated stars, Shraddha Kapoor’s story is one of resilience and hard-earned success.
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