New Delhi: Actor Allu Arjun held a press conference at his residence in Jubilee Hills on Saturday, 21 December 2024 evening, during which he responded to the comments made in the Assembly by Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and AIMIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi without naming them. At first, he apologised for coming late to the press conference and said that he took time to handle the situation himself.
Describing the stampede at Sandhya theatre as an unfortunate accident, the actor addressed the victim’s family and expressed his condolences.
“I am getting updates about the child every hour. His condition is improving. The good thing is that the child is recovering.
“The main reason for the press meet is that there are so many misunderstandings, misinformation and false allegations. I feel extremely humiliated by the character assassination. This is the time I should be celebrating, be happy, but for the last 15 days I have not been able to go anywhere. Legally, I’m tied, I can’t go.
“I have done this film with all my heart. Whatever hard work I have put into the film, I have not been able to go and see it on screen. I haven’t even seen my film in theatres. It’s the biggest education platform for me. It’s my biggest education that how I did the film, it’s a way for me to learn how I can perform even better. It’s important for me to watch my films in theatres so that I can learn from them. I learn by watching cinema on screen,” he said.
On Telangana CM’s allegations
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy alleged in the Assembly that actor Allu Arjun attended the screening of Pushpa 2 despite being denied permission by the police. Shedding light on the chaos that ensued at the event, Reddy said, “Before entering the theatre and at the time of exiting, the actor stood out from the sunroof of his car waving to the crowd due to which thousands of fans jostled to catch a glimpse of him.”
AIMIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi
AIMIM MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi slammed Allu Arjun for his alleged insensitive behaviour and lack of responsibility after the stampede during the premiere of the film in Hyderabad.
“Even after the stampede incident, he (Allu Arjun) watched the film and waved at the crowd from his car while going back. He didn’t even bother to enquire about the well-being of those people and their families. I also go to public meetings where thousands of people come, but I ensure that there is no stampede like incident,” said Owaisi.
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